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HB 1813 – K-12 computer science – passes WA House 91-7


Rep. Drew Hansen

HB 1813, a bill to invest in K-12 computer science education, yesterday was passed by the Washington State House of Representatives by the overwhelming vote of 91-7. We don’t know who the 7 were, but it’s presumably the same folks who don’t like puppies.

The bipartisan measure was sponsored by Reps. Drew Hansen, D-Bainbridge Island, and Chad Magendanz, R-Issaquah.

“We want every student in the state to have the opportunity to learn computer science” said Hansen.


Rep. Chad Magendanz

“Seventy percent of job growth is in computer science, yet only ten percent of our high schools offer computer science classes,” noted Magendanz. “This is the most significant thing we can do to increase the opportunity for our children, our next generation, our future workforce …”

Read more here and here.