UW CSE is fortunate to have 28 endowed undergraduate scholarships and 18 endowed graduate fellowships available as departmental awards. Each spring we host a luncheon to recognize the donors of our scholarships and fellowships, and the outstanding students who are the beneficiaries of this generosity. It’s one of our favorite events of the year!
At the undergraduate level, scholarships allow Washington’s top students to get a UW CSE education, regardless of family circumstances. At the graduate level, fellowships allow us to attract to UW CSE the very best students from across the nation and around the world.
Undergraduate student Mattie Carlson (holder of the John Wisniewski Endowed Scholarship) and graduate student Carlo del Mundo (holder of the Dora Zee Ling Endowed Fellowship) represented their fellow students in describing to the donors what these awards mean to them.
Many thanks to our generous donors, and hearty congratulations to our outstanding undergraduate and graduate students!
Check out the luncheon brochure, describing our scholarships, fellowships, donors, and recipients, here.