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Summer 2015 Google Faculty Research Awards

rgicontransparentAnother great performance by UW CSE faculty and alums in the most recent Google Faculty Research Awards:

Human-Computer Interaction

  • UW CSE Ph.D. alum (and former Creative Director of the UW Center for Game Science) Seth Cooper (Northeastern University)
  • UW CSE affiliate professor Sean Munson (UW Human Centered Design & Engineering)
  • UW CSE affiliate professor and Ph.D. grandchild Jessica Hullman (UW Information School, and the University of Michigan Ph.D. alum of UW CSE Ph.D. alum Eytan Adar)


Natural Language Processing

Physical Interactions and Immersive Experiences


Software Engineering and Programming Languages

Congratulations, one and all! And thanks, Google, for your support! (See the full list of awardees here.)