UW CSE continues its phenomenal record in hiring!
The addition of Ras Bodik – formerly a full professor at UC Berkeley – builds on other recent hires to give UW what is arguably the top programming languages group in the world.
Sham Kakade – formerly at Microsoft Research New England – augments other faculty in machine learning in CSE and other departments to make UW a true powerhouse in this critically important field.
Kurtis Heimerl, a UW CSE bachelors alum and UC Berkeley Ph.D. alum, will join us after concluding activity at his startup, focused on technology for the developing world.
Sergey Levine sits at the interface between machine learning and robotics; he’s finishing a postdoc at Berkeley, following receipt of his Ph.D. from Stanford.
Dan Ports, a superb MIT computer systems Ph.D., joined our faculty following a postdoc at UW.
Katharina Reinecke joins us this fall from an assistant professorship at the University of Michigan. Her research concerns the culturally appropriate presentation of information – a novel and important twist on HCI. She is an experimentalist who builds systems that allow approaches to be investigated “in the wild.”
Thomas Rothvoss, arguably one of the top two young theoretical computer scientists (the other one is already on our faculty), moved part of his appointment to CSE from the Mathematics departments.
Last but not least, Zorah Fung, a CSE bachelors alum, has joined our teaching-track faculty, splitting her time between CSE and Bay Area CSE alumni startup Sift Science.
Read more about all of these terrific folks here.