We concluded our article “Broadening Participation: The Why and the How” in the March issue of Computer by saying “Neither UW nor the field as a whole is where it needs to be, but many of us are working hard to get there.”
In the context of David Notkin’s receipt of the 2013 Computing Research Association A. Nico Habermann Award for outstanding contributions to supporting underrepresented groups in the computing research community, Lecia Barker of the National Center for Women & Information Technology (we hosted their Washington State Awards for Aspirations in Computing last weekend) sent us the chart to the right, comparing UW CSE’s performance to the national average in granting bachelors degrees to women.
We have a long way to go, but we are at more than double the (dismal) national average, and we are focused intensely on making continued progress.
Computer science is a great field for everyone – it needs everyone.
Learn about DawgBytes, UW CSE’s K-12 outreach program. And check out the inspirational new Code.org video. (UW CSE’s Ed Lazowska is on their 13-member advisory board.)