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GeekWire reprises Daniil Kulchenko as a “GeekWire Newsmaker of 2011”

“Of all the stories we covered on GeekWire in 2011, one of the most remarkable was the tale of Daniil Kulchenko, a high school sophomore from Kenmore, Wash., who sold his first startup this year at the ripe old age of 15.”

Daniil is the son of UW CSE Ph.D. student Paul Kulchenko.

Read more here and here. Read more →

Jason Yi-Bing Lin receives 2011 TWAS Prize in Engineering Sciences

Jason Yi-Bing Lin, a 1990 Ph.D. alumnus of UW CSE, has been recognized with the 2011 Prize in Engineering Sciences from TWAS, the academy of sciences for the developing world.

Jason is Dean of the College of Computer Science, lifetime Chair Professor, and Vice President of the National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.  He has been widely recognized for his many contributions to wireless communication, including (among many other honors) being named a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery, a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.  He is the author of three textbooks:  Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture (co-author with Imrich Chlamtac, 2001), Wireless and Mobile All-IP Networks (2005), and Charging for Mobile All-IP Telecommunications (2008).

Congratulations Jason! Read more →

“Boosting infant nutrition through cell phone technology”

PATH, a global health non-profit headquartered in Seattle, announces a joint project with UW CSE funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a safety monitoring system for human breast milk, based on UW CSE’s FoneAstra technology.

“Flash-heating is a simple, effective way to pasteurize breast milk that is more affordable for human milk banks in low-resource settings than standard commercial-grade pasteurization. The total cost for the monitoring system will be less than US$100, compared to commercial-grade pasteurizers, which cost up to $12,000.”

Read the PATH press release here. Read more → in NY Times

“In June, Oren Etzioni, the brains behind airline price predictor Farecast, brought forth, a Web site that predicted the future prices of laptops, cameras and televisions.  With a Wait or Buy signal, it gave you the probability prices would change or that a new model was coming …

“The company, based in Seattle where Mr. Etzioni teaches computer science at the University of Washington, now predicts prices for 30 other electronics categories including camera lenses, computer games, tablets and e-readers, headphones and audio equipment.  The company makes billions of price observations from across the web and uses artificial intelligence to discern a pattern and predict a price.”

Read more here. Read more →

TechFlash “Youth of the Year”

At the encouragement of UW CSE’s Shwetak Patel, TechFlash added a “Youth of the Year” category to their annual “Flashies” recognition.

Two of the four 2011 nominees have UW CSE connections.  Akash Badshah worked in Shwetak’s lab.  Daniil Kulchenko is the son of UW CSE graduate student Paul Kulchenko.

Vote for a UW CSE nominee for the TechFlash “Youth of the Year” here! Read more →

Refraction wins NHK Japan Prize

Refraction, a game created by UW CSE’s Center for Game Science to teach fractions to elementary school students, has been honored with The Ministerof Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Prize for the BestWork in the Primary Category in the 38th NHK Japan Prize, an international competition for educational media.

Refraction placed 1st among the 60 entries in the Primary category, competing with major international broadcasting organizations such as PBS, NHK, Sesame Street, and the National Film Board of Canada.

UW CSE Ph.D. student Erik Andersen was flown to Tokyo by NHK to receive the prize.

Congratulations to Erik and the Refractions team!

  Read more →

UW CSE’s Shwetak Patel in International Examiner

A nicely done article on Shwetak Patel’s MacArthur Fellowship.

“Patel earned this award for his innovative work with a series of sensor-technology systems, specifically for the home. These low-cost, user-friendly sensors can be used to monitor electricity and water consumption, broken down to the individual fixture and appliance simply by plugging one into the wall. Users can see which areas of the home are responsible for the highest percentage of use, allowing them to specifically target those gadgets and conserve water and energy more effectively.”

Read more here. Read more →

UW CSE’s Carl Ebeling, Dan Suciu, David Wetherall named Fellows of the ACM

Carl Ebeling

David Wetherall

Dan Suciu

UW CSE professors Carl Ebeling, Dan Suciu, and David Wetherall have been elected Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery.

The ACM Fellows Program, initiated in 1993, celebrates the exceptional contributions of the leading members in the computing field.

Carl, Dan, and David join UW CSE faculty members Tom Anderson, Jean-Loup Baer, Alan Borning, Gaetano Borriello, Susan Eggers, Richard Ladner, Ed Lazowska, Hank Levy, David Notkin, Alan Shaw, Larry Snyder, and Dan Weld as ACM Fellows.

Also elected in this year’s class of 46 new Fellows of the ACM were UW CSE Ph.D. alumnus Hugues Hoppe (now at Microsoft Research), UW CSE Ph.D. alumnus Dean Tullsen (now a faculty member at UCSD), and UW CSE Ph.D. near-alumnus Amin Vahdat (also at UCSD; Amin completed his UC Berkeley Ph.D. work at UW after his advisor Tom Anderson moved here from Berkeley).

ACM press release here.

Congratulations to Carl, Dan, and David, Hugues, Dean, and Amin! Read more →

UW CSE at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing

The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing is a series of conferences, dating back to 1994, designed to bring the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront.

UW CSE has consistently been a leader in inclusion, and has consistently had a strong representation of undergraduate students, graduate students, staff, and alums at the Hopper conferences.  The 2011 conference was conveniently located in Portland Oregon, and UW CSE attendance broke all records.

Why choose CSE?  Check it out here! Read more →

“Seattle and UW look to light up 500 miles of fiber to help solve broadband woes”

GeekWire reports on Seattle’s instantiation of the national Gig.U initiative, spearheaded by Blair Levin of the Aspen Institute, who formerly led the FCC’s National Broadband Plan.

“University of Washington computer science professor Ed Lazowska, who will be on hand at Monday’s press conference and is familiar with Gig.U, said that the idea is to try to build unique private-public partnerships that bring true broadband to communities. At the same time, it will attempt to break the stranglehold that telecommunications companies have held on the growth of high-speed Internet access in the country.

“Lazowska notes that the U.S. is ‘dramatically lagging’ many nations in the widespread adoption of broadband, and he thinks Gig.U is in a position to do something about it.

“‘The telcos have failed America. We have third-world broadband,’ said Lazowska. ‘The Federal government has not acted. The universities and their communities are going to give it a try.'”

Read more here.  Updated post here.  KUOW story here.  Lazowska’s press conference remarks here.  Learn about Gig.U here. Read more →

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