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“Steve Jobs: A Technology Guy For the Rest of Us”

Ed Lazowska in Xconomy. Read more →

Shwetak Patel’s MacArthur in UW Daily

“Shwetak Patel heard the words ‘Are you alone?’ from the other end of the phone line and suddenly knew what was happening.  He was about to become half a million dollars richer.  A director from the MacArthur Foundation heard a thump, and Patel explained how he was on the floor, shocked that he had just received the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Fellowship, commonly referred to as the MacArthur Genius Award.  ‘It was the typical disbelief — my students are playing the best prank ever type of stuff,’ said Patel, UW assistant professor in the departments of Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering.”

Read the article here. Read more →

UW CSE welcomes the 2011 incoming Ph.D. class

Our annual graduate student welcoming party is still referred to as “The Pit Party” – an allusion to a time 40 years ago when CSE was housed in the basement of Roberts Hall, UW’s former mining building, which included a replica open-pit coal mine.  My how times have changed! Read more →

CSE takes to the seas!

Not to be outdone by Stanford’s infamous yacht, UW CSE took to the seas on Wednesday on Tom Alberg’s spectacular 77′ sloop Cascadia.  In addition to Tom and Cascadia’s master Erik Soper, the crew included UW President Michael Young, UW Dean of Engineering Matt O’Donnell, UW CSE faculty Ed Lazowska and Hank Levy, Jan Labyak (charged with keeping Ed and Hank in line), and UW CSE friends Emer Dooley, Brett Helsel, Ron Howell, Brian MacDonald, Matt McIlwain, Sujal Patel, Jack Short, and Rob Short.

A million thanks to Tom – and also to Ron Howell for the terrific photographs here. Read more →

American Public Media features Oren Etzioni, Mike Fridgen on “dynamic pricing”

UW CSE’s Oren Etzioni was featured today on American Public Media, along with Mike Fridgen, CEO of Oren’s latest startup

“Etzioni started collecting online price data from all the airlines – then he created his own formula that could predict when the airlines would raise or lower their prices. His company was bought by Microsoft. And today, when you search for flights on Microsoft’s Bing search engine, you’ll see an arrow letting you know you if the price of that ticket is likely to head up or down.

“Now Etzioni wants to do it again. He and his partner Mike Fridgen … [are] predicting the prices of electronics – phones, cameras laptops and flat-screen TVs. When Mike came by my office, my wife and I were debating whether or not to buy a new television. … When we logged on, it showed me the lowest price available for the TV we were looking at – anywhere in the country. It showed me a price history for the product and when the next model would come out. Decide recommended we buy it – and we did.”

Check out the interview here.  Try here. Read more →

“Gamers Succeed Where Scientists Couldn’t”

Zoran Popovic’s research continues to go where CSE has never been before – this time, The Onion. Read more →

UW CSE celebrates Shwetak Patel

At the CSE departmental retreat today, Shwetak Patel was surprised with a mondo chocolate cake celebrating his recent MacArthur Fellowship (“Genius Award”).  Once again, congratulations Shwetak! Read more →

Intel announces UW CSE – led Science and Technology Center in Pervasive Computing

Intel today announced the establishment of the Intel Science and Technology in Pervasive Computing, led by UW CSE professor Dieter Fox and Intel senior scientist (and UW CSE Ph.D. alumnus) Anthony LaMarca.

“Improving consumers’ physical and emotional wellbeing, assisting in the coordination of busy lives and enhancing the home functionality are high-value application areas. The ISTC for pervasive computing will develop three concept applications:

  • Mobile Health and Wellbeing
  • Family Coordination System
  • Task Space

“With the University of Washington operating as the hub, the ISTC for pervasive computing combines researchers from six U.S. research universities including Georgia Institute of Technology, Cornell University, University of Rochester, UCLA and Stanford University.:

Read the Intel press release here.  See the ISTC-PC web site here.  Learn about three major new UW CSE research centers here.

Press reports:  GeekWire, EE Times, Xconomy, TechFlash. Read more →

CSE’s Bruce Hemingway in Meany Hall photography exhibition

UW CSE faculty member Bruce Hemingway is one of four artists included in the 2011-12 Meany Hall photography exhibit.  A reception in honor of the artists will be held on October 4 from 6:30-7:30 in the Meany Hall lower lobby.

See the announcement for the exhibit here.  See Bruce’s included photographs here.  See Bruce’s wonderful photographs of CSE events over the past few years here. Read more →

Shwetak Patel in Birmingham News

There are many dozens of news articles related to Shwetak Patel’s MacArthur Fellowship.  This one, though – from his home town newspaper – is particularly nice.

“Patel, who was born in Selma and grew up in Forestdale, said he has always enjoyed tinkering with things – wood, cars, electronics, you name it.  His first computer program in third grade was for a race car game.”  Etc.

Read the article here. Read more →

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