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Allen School’s Robert Minneker imagines a new way to detect and treat Parkinson’s disease with computer vision

Our latest student spotlight features Vancouver, Washington native Robert Minneker, who graduated in June with degrees in biomedical engineering and computer science and is continuing his studies in the Allen School’s fifth-year Master’s program. Using the skills they gained as undergraduates, Minneker and two friends created Tremor Vision, a web-based tool to help diagnose and treat Parkinson’s disease. The creators — Minneker, Allen School alumna Janae Chan (B.S. ‘19) and informatics graduate Drew Gallardo — were runners upRead more →
July 30, 2020

UW establishes Senosis–Paul G. Allen Endowed Professorship in Computer Science & Engineering

Julie Kientz and Shwetak Patel
The University of Washington has established a new endowed professorship, the Senosis–Paul G. Allen Endowed Professorship in Computer Science & Engineering, through the generosity of professors Shwetak Patel and Julie Kientz. The $1 million endowment, which was made possible in part by the acquisition of Patel’s mobile health startup Senosis Health by Google in 2017, will support recruitment and retention of Allen School faculty who pursue high-impact research aimed at solving meaningful, real-world problems… Read more →
July 23, 2020

Allen School celebrates career of professor Martin Tompa, computational biologist, Schnapsen master, and mentor extraordinaire

Tompa in Sieg Hall, 1999. Photo credit: John Zahorjan
Allen School professor Martin Tompa, an early and leading expert in computational molecular biology and a beloved mentor to undergraduate and graduate students, retired from the Allen School at the end of June. Tompa’s long and distinguished career spans an array of computer science research, including computational complexity, algorithms, and computational molecular biology. And then, of course, there’s his mastery of Schnapsen — the 300+ year old card game with… Read more →
July 22, 2020

Byron Boots earns RSS Early Career Award for contributions to robot learning

Allen School professor Byron Boots was recognized with an Early Career Award at the Conference on Robotics: Science & Systems (RSS 2020) for his work spanning machine learning, artificial intelligence and robotics. Each year, the RSS Foundation selects one or more early career researchers for the honor based on their outstanding research accomplishments and demonstrated potential to advance the field of robotics. Boots, who directs the Allen School’s Robot Learning Laboratory, focuses on the development of theory and systems… Read more →
July 16, 2020

Sham Kakade earns Test of Time Award at ICML 2020 for novel optimization techniques that sparked new directions in machine learning research

Professor Sham Kakade, a member of the Allen School’s Machine Learning and Theory of Computation groups, received a Test of Time Award at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2020) for his work on “Gaussian Process Optimization in the Bandit Setting: No Regret and Experimental Design.” In the winning paper, which was originally presented at ICML 2010, Kakade and his colleagues established the first sublinear regret bounds for Gaussian process (GP) optimization in the nonparametric setting.… Read more →
July 14, 2020

Jeong Joon Park earns Ph.D. fellowship as part of the Apple Scholars program

Jeong Joon (JJ) Park, a Ph.D. student working with Allen School professor Steve Seitz in the Graphics and Imaging Laboratory (GRAIL) has been named a 2020 Apple Ph.D. Scholar. Park was recognized in the “Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning” category for his focus on 3D reconstruction and understanding. Apple selects its scholars based on their innovative research, record as thought leaders and collaborators in their fields, and unique commitment to take risks and push the envelope in machine learning and… Read more →
July 13, 2020

Allen School students recognized for excellence in research by the National Science Foundation

Earlier this spring, the National Science Foundation recognized nine Allen School student researchers as part of its 2020 Graduate Research Fellowship competition. The honorees — seven Ph.D. students and two undergraduate students — were recognized in the “Comp/IS/Engr” category for their potential to make significant contributions to science and engineering through research, teaching, and innovation. Each of them already has amassed an outstanding track record of pursuing high-impact research in their respective areas, including theoretical computer science, systems, machine learning,… Read more →
June 23, 2020

Adriana Schulz and Nadya Peek earn TR35 Awards for their efforts to revolutionize fabrication and manufacturing while bridging the human-machine divide

Adriana Schulz
Allen School professor Adriana Schulz and adjunct professor Nadya Peek are among the 35 “Innovators Under 35” recognized by MIT Technology Review as part of its 2020 TR35 Awards. Each year, the TR35 Awards highlight early-career innovators who are already transforming the future of science and technology through their work. Schulz, a member of the Allen School’s Graphics & Imaging Laboratory (GRAIL) and Fabrication research group, was honored for her visionary work on computer-based design tools… Read more →
June 17, 2020

Allen School’s Gabriel Erion awarded prestigious F30 fellowship from National Institutes of Health

Gabriel Erion, an M.D.-Ph.D. student currently doing his Ph.D. research with Allen School professor Su-In Lee in the Artificial Intelligence for Medicine and Science (AIMS) Lab, has earned the prestigious Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award from the National Institutes of Health. The Kirschstein-NRSA, also known as the F30, was created to enhance research and clinical training of promising predoctoral students who are enrolled in a combined M.D.-Ph.D. training program and plan to pursue careers as… Read more →
June 16, 2020

Luis Ceze and Karin Strauss share ACM SIGARCH Maurice Wilkes Award for their work on DNA-based digital data storage

Allen School professor Luis Ceze and affiliate professor Karin Strauss, a principal research manager at Microsoft, have earned the 2020 Maurice Wilkes Award from the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture (ACM SIGARCH) for “contributions to storage and retrieval of digital data in DNA.” The award, which is named in honor of the pioneering British computer scientist who built the first operational stored-program computer, recognizes an outstanding contribution by a member of the computer architecture… Read more →
June 16, 2020

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