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Allen School faculty and alumni honored by ACM and IEEE for advancing the field of computing through research and service

Two of the premier professional societies in the field of computing, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the IEEE, recently announced their latest class of Fellows representing the highest status accorded to their respective memberships. Three Allen School faculty members reached that pinnacle this year: Magdalena Balazinska and Paul Beame, who were named Fellows of the ACM, and Joshua R. Smith, who was elevated to Fellow of the IEEE. In addition to this year’s faculty honorees,… Read more →
December 12, 2019

University of Washington students capture 3rd place in high-performance computing contest

From left to right: David Liu, Sungchan Park, Darius Strobeck, Matthew Cinnamon, Andrew Karanov and Thorne Gavin
A team of University of Washington undergraduates won third place in the Student Cluster Competition (SCC) at the 2019 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC19). The competition, designed to expose students to the high-performance computing (HPC) community, attracts teams of undergraduate students from around the world. During the 48-hour nonstop competition, each team must assemble small clusters then… Read more →
December 11, 2019

Back-to-school ritual takes on new significance for Allen School graduates turned faculty members

Fall in Seattle is signified by the sight of trees turning from green to rust, the sound of raindrops striking rooftops, and the energy infusing the University of Washington campus as students embark upon a new journey of intellectual and personal exploration. For a group of graduating Allen School Ph.D. students, this quintessential autumn ritual carries an added significance as they look forward to their new careers as faculty members at universities across the country and beyond. Meet the 11… Read more →
November 26, 2019

Ph.D. student Benjamin Lee named Library of Congress Innovator in Residence

Benjamin Lee (right) poses with fellow Innovator in Residence Brian Foo in Washington, D.C. Kinedy Aristud, Library of Congress
Benjamin Lee, a second-year Ph.D. student in the Allen School’s Artificial Intelligence group working with professor Daniel Weld, has been named a 2020 Innovator in Residence by the Library of Congress. Now in its second year, the Innovator in Residence program aims to enlist artists, researchers, journalists, and others in developing new and creative ways of using the Read more →
November 25, 2019

Allen School undergraduate Eunia Lee is a role model for future women in tech

This month’s Allen School Undergrad Spotlight features Eunia Lee, a third year, direct admission computer science major from Sammamish, Washington. Lee is an Allen School Ambassador and chair of the University of Washington’s chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Through her service, she aims to show young women in high school and those just starting out in computer science that they can be leaders in the tech world. Allen School: Why did you choose to… Read more →
November 25, 2019

Allen School and Madrona Venture Group highlight student and faculty innovation at 2019 Research Showcase

Professor Tim Althoff presents his research on data science for human well-being during the luncheon keynote
Every fall, the Allen School’s Industry Affiliates program hosts a research showcase to highlight the ways in which our faculty and student researchers are advancing the frontiers of computing. The day-long event features sessions devoted to various topics in computing and culminates in an open house and poster session that gives our industry partners, alumni, and friends an opportunity to learn more about the… Read more →
November 22, 2019

UW researchers use electronic devices to track impact of discrimination on students

Caption: UW researchers used data from Fitbit activity trackers to compare how students’ activities change when the students experience unfair treatment. Credit: Addie Bjornson/University of Washington
 As part of the UW EXP Study led by professor Jennifer Mankoff in the Allen School’s Make4all Lab, a team of researchers set out to measure how specific incidents of discrimination can affect people’s behavior in the short-term by analyzing the experiences of college students at the University of Washington with the help… Read more →
November 18, 2019

Allen School’s first-generation college students are breaking down barriers and building a foundation for others to succeed

For students who are among the first in their families to attend college, the experience of navigating a four-year degree can be daunting. From decoding the campus lingo to overcoming imposter syndrome, the more than 250 undergraduates currently pursuing their bachelor’s degree as first-generation students in the Allen School are breaking down barriers and carving their own paths. We caught up with a few members of our community who are either finding their footing as first-generation students, or have been… Read more →
November 8, 2019

Allen School researchers build Rome in a day, receive Helmholtz Prize at ICCV 2019

Anyone who believes the adage “Rome wasn’t built in a day” hasn’t met the members of the Allen School’s Graphics and Imaging Laboratory (GRAIL). Ten years ago, postdoc Sameer Agarwal, Ph.D. student Ian Simon, alumnus Noah Snavely, professor Steve Seitz, and affiliate professor Richard Szeliski of Microsoft Research demonstrated how to digitally reconstruct the Italian capital in 3D using the large cache of photos shared on the internet. Last week, the team was one of… Read more →
November 7, 2019

Allen School accessibility researchers past and present shine at ASSETS 2019

Galen Weld (left) and Jon Froehlich
The strength and enduring impact of the Allen School and University of Washington’s contributions in accessible technology were on full display at the 21st International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, known as ASSETS, last month in Pittsburgh. Current or former Allen School researchers had a hand in three award-winning papers recognized at the conference, with a mix of current students, faculty, and alumni all represented.  The Best Student Paper Award was… Read more →
November 6, 2019

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