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OneBusAway, the popular real-time transit information system in the Puget Sound region developed by UW CSE, has gone national, with deployments in New York City and Detroit, along with experimental deployments in Tampa, Atlanta, and Washington DC.
In New York, MTA is using OneBusAway as the basis for its Bus Time service. In Detroit, a CodeForAmerica team used it for a text-messaging system, TextMyBus.
But you live in the Puget Sound region – use the original OneBusAway here… Read more →
February 14, 2013
Choose “Cast Your Vote” here. and vote the CSE ticket:
Startup of the Year:
Geek of the Year: Oren Etzioni
Mobile App of the Year: OneBusAway
… Read more →
April 9, 2012
The UW Daily apparently watches KING5 News (see post from a week ago here) to get their campus information … but hey, we’ll take it:
“OneBusAway, a smartphone application developed by students in the UW’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), provides public transit riders with bus schedules, maps, and real-time updates as to when buses arrive at stops. But now, another team of CSE students are developing a similar app for blind transit riders.”
Read the article… Read more →
November 29, 2011
KING5 news reports on UW CSE’s StopFinder, a public transit app that talks to the blind, bringing the features of UW CSE’s OneBusAway transit app to a new community of users.
“OneBusAway became one of the most popular mobile apps in the Seattle area in the last couple of years, providing easy access to maps, schedules and real-time updates on when a bus will arrive at a particular stop …
“A University of Washington student developed OneBusAway. Now students and… Read more →
November 21, 2011
Bus riders in the greater Seattle area rely on OneBusAway, using it more than 50,000 times a week. OneBusAway was created by UW CSE Ph.D. student Brian Ferris, who graduated this past summer and now works for Google in Zurich. Ferris built and ran One Bus Away, a collection of phone apps that inform riders when buses are expected to arrive at their stop, using data shared by transit agencies.
UW CSE has continued to run the system… Read more →
October 10, 2011
In our recent post about the recognition of OneBusAway with a VISION 2040 Award from the Puget Sound Regional Council, we failed to note the most amazing aspect of the ceremony: Alan Borning in a suit!
But, who is the guy in the pink shirt and tie?… Read more →
September 18, 2011
UW CSE’s Brian Ferris, the brains and brawn behind the OneBusAway transit application, may have received his Ph.D. and left for Google Zurich where the trams run like a Swiss watch … but OBA remains behind, continuing to garner awards – this time from the Puget Sound Regional Council.
PSRC’s VISION 2040 Award “recognizes innovative projects and programs that help ensure a sustainable future as the region grows.” Said Mukilteo Councilmember Jennifer Gregerson, Chair of the VISION 2040 Awards… Read more →
September 16, 2011
UW CSE’s Brian Ferris – creator of OneBusAway and recently praised by Seattlest as “oh mighty one … the God of Metro” – was brought to the White House last week as one of “a motley group of 16 ‘open data geeks'” honored as part of the “Champions of Change” program, which celebrates the fact that “Every day in communities across the country, ordinary individuals are doing extraordinary things to improve the lives of others and strengthen their communities.”
Read… Read more →
June 16, 2011
Seattlest pays homage to OneBusAway and its creator, UW CSE Ph.D. student Brian Ferris.
“OneBusAway, the magical app of our bus riding dreams, has done wonders for the Seattle Metro experience. OneBusAway gives reliable, up-to-the-minute information about the buses in Seattle: where they are, where they are going, and how long until they get there. It’s a freaking Godsend, and has saved the butts of every single bus riding person who uses it at least a hundred… Read more →
June 13, 2011
OneBusAway, a transit app by UW CSE’s Brian Ferris and collaborators, is praised in this Seattle Times article:
“One of Seattle’s least-known secrets is a magical app for your phone.
“It can make you more efficient, reduce stress, give you more time, save you money and help the environment.
“Best of all, it’s free.
“You don’t even need an expensive smartphone or one of those wireless plans that cost as much as a car payment.
“I’m talking about OneBusAway… Read more →
May 23, 2011
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