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UW+MSR win Ubicomp 2012 Best Paper Award

The paper “An Ultra-Low-Power Human Body Motion Sensor Using Static Electric Field Sensing” by Gabe Cohn (UW, and Microsoft Research consultant), Sidhant Gupta (UW, and MSR consultant), Tien-Jui Lee (UW), Dan Morris (MSR, and UW affiliate professor), Josh Smith (UW), Matt Reynolds (Duke), Desney S. Tan (MSR, and UW affiliate professor), and Shwetak Patel (UW) has just received a Best Paper Award at the 14th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing.  (Lead author Gabe Cohn is a Ph.D. student advised by Shwetak Patel.)

Congratulations, team! Read more →

UW CSE alum Anne Condon elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

The Royal Society of Canada, founded in 1882, celebrates the nation’s leading scholars in the Arts, Humanities and Sciences through election as Fellows.

This week, the Class of 2012 was announced – 69 new Fellows:  15 in the Arts and Humanities, 15 in the Social Sciences, and 39 in the Sciences.

Among them – one of only two computer scientists – is 1987 UW CSE Ph.D. alum Anne Condon, Head of the Department of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia and a leading figure in computational biology.  Anne’s citation reads:

Anne Condon, a researcher in computational complexity theory and algorithms, has advanced understanding of the computing time and memory needed to solve classical computational problems. She has also developed creative means for programming at the nanometer scale with DNA molecules. Her algorithms for predicting and designing nucleic acid secondary structures have had significant practical impact.

Warm congratulations to Anne Condon, FRSC! Read more →

UW CSE’s game-changing hires in machine learning, “big data,” computer vision, and computer systems

A new booklet describes UW CSE’s  bumper crop of faculty hires:

  • Carlos Guestrin, Amazon Professor of Machine Learning in Computer Science & Engineering (machine learning)
  • Ben Taskar, Boeing Professor of Computer Science & Engineering (machine learning)
  • Jeffrey Heer, Associate Professor of Computer Science & Engineering (data visualization)
  • Emily Fox, Amazon Professor of Machine Learning in the Department of Statistics (machine learning)
  • Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, Assistant Professor of Computer Science & Engineering (computer vision)
  • Ali Farhadi, Assistant Professor of Computer Science & Engineering (computer vision)
  • Shyam Gollakota, Assistant Professor of Computer Science & Engineering (computer systems)

Quoting the New York Times, “Although Stanford is considered the Hogwarts of techdom, UW has quietly established itself as the other West Coast nexus of the information economy.”

Read more here. Read more →

UW CSE’s “Control-Alt-Hack” game among “25 of today’s coolest network and computing research projects”

NetworkWorld has identified and profiled “25 of today’s coolest network and computing research projects.”  Among them is Control-Alt-Hack, a card game created by UW CSE researchers to introduce computer security topics.

Read the article here.  Learn more about Control-Alt-Hack here. Read more →

GigaOm features UW CSE alumni startup LearnSprout

“Last fall, when LearnSprout cofounder and one-time Facebooker Frank Chien called up his college buddies Joe Woo, previously with Microsoft, and Anthony Wu, a former Googler, he didn’t necessarily have an education startup in mind.

“The trio could have tackled healthcare or energy instead, he said. What mattered was that they go for something big — dent-the-universe, shake-up-the-system significant.

“‘I [told them], let’s do something crazy,’ he said. ‘We can stay at our jobs forever or we can swing for the fences.’

“Not too much later, the three engineers, who met at the University of Washington, quit their jobs. Over the past ten months, they’ve built a startup taking on a major obstacle facing innovators interested in K-12 education: the siloed way in which student data is stored.”

Congratulations to UW alums Frank Chien (Business), Joe Woo (CSE), and Anthony Wu (CSE)!

Read the GigaOm article here.  Learn more about LearnSprout here and here. Read more →

GigaOm features UW CSE alumni startup MemCachier

MemCachier, a “Memcached-in-the-cloud” startup created by UW CSE alum Alex Loddengaard working with UW CSE alum Amit Levy, was profiled today in GigaOm.

(MemCachier shares San Francisco space with WibiData, a data analytics startup created by UW CSE alum Christophe Bisciglia working with UW CSE alum Aaron Kimball.  Christophe, Aaron, and Alex previously worked together at Cloudera, the first startup created by Christophe after he left Google.  Memcached – the pre-cloud progenitor of MemCachier, used worldwide to speed up dynamic database-driven websites by caching data and objects in RAM – was originally created by UW CSE alum Brad Fitzpatrick at his startup Danga Interactive to support LiveJournal.  Get the message?)

Read the GigaOm profile here.  Learn more about MemCachier here. Read more →

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