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UW team captures Best Paper at SIGCOMM 2016 for interscatter

UW interscatter team photo

From left: Bryce Kellogg, Vamsi Talla and Vikram Iyer

A team of UW CSE and EE researchers has won the Best Paper Award at ACM SIGCOMM 2016 for interscatter, the groundbreaking technology that enables implanted devices to communicate using Wi-Fi and has the potential to transform health care as we know it. Interscatter was developed by EE Ph.D. students Vikram Iyer and Bryce Kellogg, CSE postdoc and EE Ph.D. alum Vamsi Talla, CSE professor Shyam Gollakota, and CSE and EE professor Josh Smith. The Best Paper accolades are shared with two other submissions: Eliminating Channel Feedback in Next-Generation Cellular Networks (MIT, CMU), and Don’t Mind the Gap: Bridging Network-wide Objectives and Device Configurations (Princeton, Microsoft Research, UCLA).

Way to go team! And congratulations to all of the winners!

Read our previous blog coverage here.