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UW CSE welcomes computational biologist Yuliang Wang to the faculty

UW CSE recently welcomed Yuliang Wang as a research professor working with our Computational & Synthetic Biology group. Wang brings a wealth of computational expertise imbued with a deep knowledge of relevant biology that, as CSE professor Larry Ruzzo notes, is really rare in “computational” people. Wang obtained his B.S. in Bioengineering from Tianjin University in China. He earned his M.S. in Applied Statistics and a Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign—a top-10… Read more →
October 3, 2016

Reuters Top 100: The World’s Most Innovative Universities – 2016

Reuters has once again ranked the world’s 100 most innovative universities. Starting from the top: Stanford MIT Harvard University of Texas University of Washington As with all rankings in which we do well, we flash the lights, we sound the horns, and we assume the methodology was sound. Read the overall report here. Read the University of Washington section here.… Read more →
September 28, 2016

Wired profiles Microsoft’s Project Catapult and the key role of UW CSE Ph.D. alum Andrew Putnam

A really terrific article in Wired describes the evolution of Microsoft’s Project Catapult – FPGA acceleration for a broad range of cloud services. The project, incubated in Peter Lee‘s MSR NeXT organization, was led by Doug Burger, a refugee from UT Austin who is a Distinguished Engineer in MSR NeXT and an Affiliate Professor in UW CSE. A key member of the Catapult team was UW CSE Ph.D. alumnus Andrew Putnam, who joined MSR immediately after graduating… Read more →
September 28, 2016

UW CSE’s Ed Lazowska and spin-outs Impinj and Turi celebrated at 2016 Tech Impact Awards

UW CSE was center stage last night at Seattle Business magazine’s annual Tech Impact Awards gala honoring the people and companies driving innovation and economic prosperity in the Puget Sound region. Professor Ed Lazowska was honored as the 2016 Tech Impact Champion for his achievements and advocacy on behalf of the tech community, while Impinj and Turi—UW CSE spin-outs that recently celebrated a successful IPO and acquisition, respectively—were highlighted for their groundbreaking innovations. Lazowska, who graces the cover of… Read more →
September 22, 2016

UW CSE’s Shayan Oveis Gharan named one of “10 Scientists to Watch” by Science News

UW CSE professor Shayan Oveis Gharan was named one of 10 Scientists to Watch by Science News this week. The list celebrates early- and mid-career scientists under the age of 40 who are well on their way to transforming their respective fields. Oveis Gharan, a member of UW CSE’s Theory group, was featured for his contributions to solving the infamous traveling salesman problem. From the article: “It’s a problem that sounds simple, but the best minds in mathematics… Read more →
September 21, 2016

ImSitu – research by Ali Farhadi, Mark Yatskar and Luke Zettlemoyer (UW CSE + AI2) – featured in New York Times

“Context is everything,” or so the saying goes, which may be why artificial intelligence has a long way to go to in order to match, let alone replace, human intelligence. While computer vision researchers have made impressive advances in image recognition, the ability to not only identify objects but recognize situations and predict what will happen next is still the preserve of humans. Researchers at UW CSE and the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) are trying to help computers… Read more →
September 19, 2016

Top 10 Science Universities in the World

Never heard of Gazette Review? Neither have we! But adhering to our long tradition of amplifying the rankings in which we do well and burying the others, we draw your attention to this one: “Located near Seattle and Redmond- the home city of Microsoft – this university is at the crossroads of technology and the natural sciences. Of all the programs at the University of Washington, Computer Science and Medicine are among the most renowned …” Check it out hereRead more →
September 16, 2016

UW researchers recognized with 2 Best Paper Awards and 10-Year Impact Award at UbiComp and ISWC

Members of UW CSE’s UbiComp Lab led by CSE and EE professor Shwetak Patel are celebrating not one but two Best Paper wins this week: “HemaApp: Noninvasive blood screening of hemoglobin using smartphone cameras” earned a Best Paper Award at the International Joint Conference on Pervasive & Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2016) in Heidelberg, Germany, while “EyeContact: Scleral coil eye tracking for virtual reality” took home the Best Paper prize from the co-located International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2016). And… Read more →
September 16, 2016

Washington Post on gender diversity in computer science

The Washington Post writes: “Women are making major gains in enrollment in engineering and computer science at some of the nation’s most prominent colleges and universities, a breakthrough that shows that gender parity is possible in technology fields long dominated by men. … “The University of Washington, near Microsoft’s Seattle-area home, had the largest share of women in computer science among the nation’s public flagships and some of the largest five-year gains. Thirty-two percent of its graduates in that… Read more →
September 16, 2016

UW CSE’s Dylan Hutchison earns *two* Best Paper Awards at HPEC 2016

We like our Best Paper Awards around here, but UW CSE Ph.D. student Dylan Hutchison took it to a new level this week by contributing not one, but two Best Papers at IEEE’s High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC 2016). Hutchison, a member of UW CSE’s Database group, collected the Best Student Paper Award as lead author of “From NoSQL Accumulo to New SQL Graphulo: Design and Utility of Graph Algorithms inside a BigTable Database.” He also co-authored the… Read more →
September 15, 2016

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